近日,国际权威法律评级机构The Legal 500发布其2024年度亚太地区绿色指南(Green Guide)。汉坤律师事务所荣登该指南。
The Legal 500对汉坤如是评价:
"Full-service Chinese firm Han Kun Law Offices has particular expertise assisting major clients in the power and electric vehicle industries on innovative structured financings and new energy acquisitions. Alongside working to develop an environmental consciousness among staff, the firm's internal ESG committee leads the implementation of energy-efficiency measures throughout its offices."
The Legal 500 Green Guide分为亚太、拉美、美国、英国及EMEA等5个地区,旨在表彰各区域内致力于环境保护及绿色转型的律师事务所。